Monroe 6th Grade Families,
We hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing summer! Our staff has been hard at work getting the school ready and preparing for what promises to be an exciting school year. We are thrilled to welcome our 6th graders to Monroe tomorrow!
Here are a few important logistics to help ensure a smooth start:
Schedule Distribution:
Schedules for all students will be distributed in front of the school. Please remind your student to pick up their schedule upon arrival.
School Hours:
School doors open at 8:35 AM and school starts at 9:00 AM. Please note that tomorrow and every Wednesday will be an early release day, with dismissal at 2:35 PM.
All students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch.
First Day Activities:
Tomorrow, we will follow a special schedule to allow students to learn where their classes are, practice their locker combinations, get a campus tour, and participate in Mustang assemblies.
Bus Information: Use My Ride K-12 to identify your student's bus pickup and drop-off times and locations, get up-to-date route information and more! For instructions on how to register for an account and add your student, visit
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Information:
Morning Drop-Off:
To minimize congestion in the parking lot:
After School Pick-Up:
To avoid traffic congestion, we suggest parents consider the following alternate waiting/pick-up spots:
Please click HERE for pick-up suggestions.
We are excited to see all of our 6th graders tomorrow and look forward to a fantastic school year ahead!