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Monroe Middle School

Registration Info

School Choice:

Returning students do NOT need to re-apply, the transfer is good as long as they are enrolled in the school.

The school district’s open enrollment policy allows students to attend any 4J school, provided there is space available, but requires completion of a School Choice form.

Any new students not in our attendance area, that would like to attend Monroe, need to fill out a School Choice Request form. Forms may be completed online.

If you have questions, contact the district office or visit our District Enrollment page.


General school support: Parent funding is needed to maintain a strong instructional program for our students. These funds are used to maintain instructional technology, to help make field trips possible, for classroom supply costs that exceed our general district funding and to purchase student snacks and water bottles. We understand that some families may wish to contribute in other ways or may find this contribution to be financially challenging and therefore please know that this not required. 

General School Support (optional)         $50    (This contribution may be tax deductible)

Elective Charges:

Band (optional)                   $20
Art (optional)                        $5

Confidential financial assistance with fees is available to students who qualify for the Federal Free/Reduced Lunch Program. It is customary to offer a 50% discount on most charges.

  • School pictures
    • Pictures of all students are taken by a professional photographer during the first week of school and again in the spring. There is no obligation to purchase them.