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Monroe Fri-YAY Family Email

Posted Date: 5/03/24 (2:57 PM)

Hello Monroe Families-

I hope you had a great week! It was great to see many of you at the track meet yesterday versus Cal young. The great thing is that even though we were competing with one another it was a foreshadow of things to come when they unite next Fall at Sheldon! I appreciate the regional collaboration in so many ways and I’m looking forward to what that looks like for years to come! 

Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week! I tell people all the time…our teachers are really good at what they do, but they are even better people. Teaching encompasses so much more now than when I was a teacher a few years back (don’t ask when)....between teaching, supporting, collaborating, caring for, counseling, communicating with students/families, grading, creating, technology, etc. it’s so much work- but the right work. Join us as we celebrate and honor our amazing teachers next week. If you’d like to write a Mustang Shout Out you can pick one up from the office or send us an email and we’ll get it to them. Thanks for your partnership in supporting our teachers as they navigate teaching and learning in 2024! 

Lastly, check out our Mustang News Live document for key reminders! Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday. 


Coffee w/ the PrincipalJoin Mr. Saeteurn for our last Coffee with the Principal on Friday, May 10th at 8:30 AM in the Library! Informal and casual setting to check-in before the end of the school year! Free Starbucks coffee provided!

Yearbooks: Yearbooks are now available to purchase online HERE or with cash/check in the front office. Limited supply!

Connect and FLEX: Next week in Connect students will be taking practice tests for OSAS (state testing). The following FLEX options will be available as well-  HIIT FLEX, Theater Games, Science Fair/Conservation Club, Karaoke, and Pictionary! If your student needs additional support with schoolwork, have them ask their teacher about FLEX! 

Track & Field: Support our Team by joining one of our upcoming meets! All Track & Field Information can be found HERE.  

  • Tuesday, May 7th Sub Districts at NEHS 

  • Thursday, May 16th Districts at Willamette HS

Fragrances at School: Families, we are asking that fragrances/colognes/perfumes not be used at or brought to school. Other students and staff members are sensitive to the fragrances and are having adverse reactions to them. We have communicated this with students through our morning announcements and would love your support. If we see fragrances being used during the school day (in the hall, bathrooms, classrooms, etc.) we will confiscate them and return at the end of the day or ask for parents to pick them up if it becomes a chronic problem. 

Walk & Roll: May 8th! The Walk and Roll Challenge is next week on Wednesday, May 8th. It’s a competition that challenges students to incorporate physical activity like walking and biking into their trips to and from school. So walk, bike, and roll to school on Wednesday, May 8th for your health and for a chance to win prizes. 

Exclusion from Activities: As we are nearing the end of the school year, we wanted to send out a quick communication around potential exclusion from activities. It is our practice that suspendable incidents and other similar behaviors can exclude students from participating in activities such as Activity Nights/Dances. 

In an effort to increase our communication around this, Administration will be in contact with you and your student in advance if your student will be excluded from similar activities. In general, we give students a reset/restart at the mid-term, so that incidents from the beginning of the year do not impact activities at the end of the year. However, Administrators do use their discretion in determining which students will need to be excluded. 

Please reach out to Mrs. Selner if you have any questions. 


Stephanie Pérez 


Monroe Middle School

Phone: (541)790-6324