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Monroe Middle School

Monroe Fri-YAY Family Email 1/17

Posted Date: 1/18/25 (:06 AM)

Hello Monroe Families- 

I hope you had a great week despite the cold weather in the Valley as we ride into a 3-day weekend to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, honoring his incredible contributions to our country. Dr. King was a leader in the Civil Rights Movement, advocating for equality and justice. His powerful speeches and nonviolent protests inspired countless individuals to work toward a more inclusive society. It’s fitting that this morning we held our Student of the Month Connect Assembly, where we honored over 20 students who have demonstrated what it means to be inclusive with their actions. We also enjoyed an epic student vs. staff volleyball game, where the Blue team emerged victorious in the championship match vs the Yellow team! A special shout out to our guests from the University of Oregon volleyball team for joining us to ref, coach, and engage with our middle schoolers. They had an incredible season where they made the Sweet 16 and numerous individuals were honored as All-Americans- thanks for the unforgettable memories you made for our students! 

As we enter the final stretches of the semester, I encourage you to check your students' grades and reach out to teachers with any specific questions. I understand that Canvas can sometimes be confusing, so if there seem to be discrepancies, please don't hesitate to contact the teachers directly- they are here to help. Thank you and have a great weekend…GO MUSTANGS! 

Have a great weekend…GO MUSTANGS! 

No School: January 20th, MLK Day

Semester 2: we are closing in on the first half of the school year already! As we prepare for the transition to Semester 2, we would like to remind families of the schedule changes that will occur for students. There are specific situations where there will be no impact to the Health/PE portion of the schedule and/or it may not be relevant to your child. 
  • ALL students will see a schedule change. 
  • ALL students will receive a copy of their new schedule on Tuesday, February 4th in Connect class.
  • ALL students will change their PE/Health class to either a different PE teacher or into Health.
  • 6th grade students who have Explore will change into a new Explore class. 
  • Core classes (Math, Science, LA/SS) and year long classes will not change. 
  • Semester elective classes will change. 
  • We are accepting schedule change requests from Tuesday, February 4th through Friday, February 7th at 4:00PM. The link for the schedule change request will be sent in a separate email on Tuesday, February 4th
As always, you can access your students' schedule in ParentVue

Welcome New Counselor: Meghan Holsapple is thrilled to join the Monroe team as your new school counselor! She has worked with middle school students for 2+ years as a school counselor in the surrounding area. She loves supporting students in this age group, being their cheerleader and helping them navigate through challenges. She looks forward to getting to know staff, students and families in the coming months as she will be working closely with Mrs. Tilson as she transitions to her new role to support your students (last name A-L). GO MUSTANGS!

Winter Activity Night: mark your calendars! Winter Activity Night is on Friday, February 7th, 6:30-8:00pm! Games, photo booth, dancing & activities!

We’d love to have parent volunteers join us! Please click HERE to sign up!

  • Entry Fee, $5 Cash and Card accepted at the door

  • Entry tickets pre-sale HERE

  • Pizza and snacks $1 each! Drinks $2 each! CASH ONLY

  • Current 6-8th grade Monroe students only

  • Students are expected to stay the entire time. Parents must sign out if leaving early

Exclusion from Activities: It is our practice that suspendable incidents and other similar behaviors can exclude students from participating in activities. In an effort to increase our communication around this, Administration will be in contact with you and your student a week before the event (the best we can) if they will be excluded due to behavioral concerns. In general, we give students a reset/restart at the mid-term, so that incidents from the beginning of the year do not impact activities throughout the year. However, Administrators do use their discretion in determining which students will need to be excluded.

School Play: performances are scheduled for Friday and Saturday evening, March 7th and 8th.

Rehearsals will be 3:45-5:45 PM (2:45 if on a Wed) See tentative rehearsal dates HERE starting 01/17/25, though usually not every member will be called to be at virtually every rehearsal (some pre-approved absences may be OK–please add dates on audition form). In the final weeks, we may need longer or more frequent rehearsals. If cast, you will join a Canvas course where we will send important messages, and you can see the rehearsal schedule of what will be worked on, and who is needed (parents can join too!!).

Please read and complete the following form for more info:

****** IN ORDER TO BE CAST, YOU MUST HAVE THIS FORM SIGNED BY PARENT AND STUDENT ****** Please return to the office or bring to auditions.

Click for MS Brain script  

Click for the Perfect Ending script 

 School ChoiceIMPORTANT DATES for the 2025-2026 School Year

January 1……Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for in-district students

January 31…..Deadline to submit in-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications

March 1………Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for out-of-district students

March 31……..Deadline to submit out-of-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications

Mustang News Live: One stop shop for all Monroe key reminders!



Stephanie Plascencia

Office Manager 

Monroe Middle School

Phone: (541)790-6324