Hello Monroe Families-
I hope you all had a restful winter break filled with quality time spent with family and friends. I am grateful for the Monroe community and look forward to a positive start to the new year together (I can’t believe it’s 2025)! It’s the relationships that make this a special Community; student-to-student, staff-to-student, staff-to-staff, and staff-to-families. This is not the case everywhere so we’re fortunate and thankful that we have such a strong connection with everyone!
We have exciting opportunities ahead, including Student of the Month Connect assemblies, a student vs. staff volleyball game, Winter Activity Night, field trips, FLEX opportunities, affinity groups, school plays, and more! On the academic side, with just a month left until the end of the semester, please feel free to reach out to your child's teachers about Canvas if you have any questions regarding grades or missing work as it’s the final stretch before we hit the mid-year point of the school year!
Lastly, as we return, it's important to take some time to reset and recalibrate our expectations for students—academically, socially, and behaviorally. To support our efforts, please help reinforce the Super 6 School-Wide Expectations at home: cell phones are off and away all day, being on time to class, arriving with materials, one person to speaks at a time, respecting others’ right to learn, and keeping hands, feet, objects and comments to yourself. Thank you for your ongoing support!
Looking forward to seeing you this week and beyond…GO MUSTANGS!
Site Council: join us for site council on Thursday, January 9th 4:00-4:45 PM via google meets.
Google Meets Link - https://meet.google.com/gcg-tcjv-sjs
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 413-350-0801 and enter this PIN: 672 704 927#
Coffee with the Principal: join Mr. Saeteurn on Wednesday, January 15th @ 8:30 AM for an informal and casual setting to check-in, say hello, ask questions, provide feedback, and hear more about what’s going on at school! Free coffee provided!
No School: January 20th, MLK Day
School Choice: IMPORTANT DATES for the 2025-2026 School Year
January 1……Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for in-district students
January 31…..Deadline to submit in-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications
March 1………Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for out-of-district students
March 31……..Deadline to submit out-of-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications
Mustang News Live: One stop shop for all Monroe key reminders!
Stephanie Plascencia
Office Manager
Monroe Middle School
Phone: (541)790-6324